A Fresh Look at Ruth

John Piper has a unique and powerful gift of communication. His poem concerning Job has been a great blessing to me and to many who have endured hard times as they strive to run this race faithfully before God. That work is entitled The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God, and I would highly recommend it. Piper has recently published a new work concerning the book of Ruth. Once again, he has tackled some difficult topics with a perspective saturated with a love for the gospel and the Sovereignty of God.

The world – its hardships and issues – must be approached with the right theological committments, a submissive spirit toward the Creator, and a high view of God. Piper looks at the life of Ruth with these perspectives. Ruth is just one of the fascinating woman of the Bible, and much is to be learned from the record of her life. We learn about this troubled yet faithful woman in the midst of bitter providence. Check out the clip below and be ready to get this book when available.

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